Kids menu
Attractions for children

Facilities for families with children (on request):

  • crib with mattress/extra bed
  • children's bedding
  • extra towels
  • blankets and pillows
  • socket protectors
  • window and balcony door protectors
  • furniture corner protectors
  • a bathtub
  • a non-slip mat for the bathtub
  • disposable cups for brushing teeth
  • a plastic washing bowl, baby changing table
  • a touch-free thermometer
  • disposable bibs
  • a bathroom chair or platform
  • a toilet seat cover
  • a bottle warmer
  • a kettle
  • a humidifier
  • a suitcase stand or built-in stand inside the furniture
  • a container for dirty diapers or disposable bags
  • the possibility of booking a room connected by an internal door.

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